
Pumpkin carving!

Yesterday we got four pumpkins and I carved two of them :D Here is a photo of them:

They look better when you seem them properly :/ I'll probably take more pictures of them anyway. :F

We have had a LOT of animals in our house since I last posted. Here are a few pictures of them:

You can read all about them on the PetTimez.
They're so cute :D

Today I made a really bad pumpkin pie. I think I did a mistake copying it from the computer. It had way too much liquid in it D:
But tomorrow I'm going to make an apple pie and hopefully it will be good :D (I'll take some pictures too.)

I'm going to work harder on the neovision contest tomorrow. I only have until the 28th of October and I want to submit a couple days early. I think I'll be able to do it as long as I try :)

Me and my mom had a fight with PeTA through emails. It's really stupid and funny and I think I'll post it tomorrow :P
I now hate PeTA and will be making "I hate PeTA" badges. I'll swap the humane mouse trap info with it :D

I will update this blog layout over the next week. I like changing layouts :P

Well that's all for today. I'll be posting soon about the next set of pumpkins in a few days :D

3 commentaires:

J.Black a dit…

Ahaha, that picture of the musaraigne (or as we say in English, a shrew!) is so damn cute I could just squee! Hahaha, it made me laugh a lot. Shrew's are awesome.

And lo; isn't it somebodies birthday in a few days? I hope they're checking the post often...

J.Black a dit…

Oh also, I should ask -- did the musaraigne have a long tail? Some shrews use ecolocation (like bats and toothed whales) to find their prey - most likely because their eyesight totally sucks. Telling sub-species of shrews apart is apparently really freekin' difficult if you can't get a look at their teeth, but it'd be cool to try and figure out what kind of specific shrew you found in the garden.

Also interesting to note, shrews and mice are not in the same family! They're totally different species! Weird, no?

Etiquette a dit…

Eeek! I hate spiders! I think I would have burst into tears if I saw that spider crawling around the place!

The Shrew is super cute though, balances out the long-legged spider...

Love xx!