
I'm back!

I finally finished with my NeoVision contest entry so I finally have time to write a post!

It took many tries for me to enter the NeoVision contest but Thomas and I found out how to Upload it to NeoPets. Here's what the final project looks like on YouTube:

I did everything myself besides most of the editing which was by Thomas. Please tell me what you think. :D

There's a thing called the Cookie Crumbles Contest going on on YouTube and we've entered it.
Here's our video:

Five finalists have been chosen and I'm about 99.999 percent sure that one particular video was chosen.
I want to tell you all that the five finalists aren't allowed to announce themselves. I can't remember when the winner will be chosen but it's soon :)

I entered a video as well but it was taken off because I was making fun of this lady:

My video:

Heres some of my replies to random comments:

Random person (Probably the lady) : "What a sad family effort to submarine someone else's contest entry. Good values you're teaching these kids."

Me: "Family effort? This is just me and (sort of) my mom's video. Theres no "family effort" in it what so ever.

Is it a crime for kids to make fun of adults? This lady, whoever she is, obviously treats children like they're objects. I highly doubt she ever treated her children (if she had any) like real people. Most parents don't even have normal conversations with their children...

I have my own mind unlike most children. I can make decisions by my self if I decide to. I decided to make fun of this woman because I think her explination of cookies is wrong and because I wanted to try out my long forgotten Katharine Hepburn imitation :P

Just because I have a sense of humour doesn't mean my mom is raising me, or any of my sisters "improperly"."

(She doesn't reply)


She sent this today:
Subject: Not shouting, just talking
Ok, so I figure my beef is with you and not yr Mom. I finally managed to watch the whole 8+ minutes, b/c I want to be fair. I still think the only thing you're making fun of is the speaker. If you were going to make fun of what she was saying, you'd need to alter the text, or perform specific words with even greater emphasis. So, why make fun of the speaker? From the post at your video site, I think it's b/c "The Cookie Lady" sounds condescending. But if you're commenting on tone, you need to have a tone of your own. The Katherine Hepburn voice is a charicature (sic) of an old woman, not a condescending one. It's not meant to be flattering, right? So I assume it's meant to be insulting. But I know that I don't know what you're thinking. I would like to know.
I told your mom, I think mouthy broads need to stick together, and that's why I keep talking.

Oh I see. My moms too big of a challenge for you to take on so you decided the 12 year old would be better. Whatever makes you more comfortable...

What I was thinking was that "The Cookie Lady" (as you re-describe her) Was being VERY condescending to all viewers. It made me feel like I was back at my French school if you must know. Where they talked to me like I had never been to school before and had never heard a word of French. I don't think anyone should talk or be talked too like that. "The Cookie Lady" should change her form of speech in my opinion. The optimistic vibe was OK but the way she looked at the viewers through the camera and the way she waved her arms about was extremely annoying. And the bookshelf in the background was both distracting and irritating.

I was not offending her as I said before. She shouldn't take it so personally. And I didn't need to alter the text because it was good enough already. I liked how it went on for so long. It was good for my Katherine Hepburn imitation. It sounded like an old person who never stops talking :P
Thats not to offend "The Cookie Lady". She went on to explain. Really old people go on just because.

Anyway I think I have said enough.
I have more important stuff to be getting on with...


That's all.

I'll update my blog again in a couple of days. I hope you enjoy reading my writing as usual!


Pumpkin carving!

Yesterday we got four pumpkins and I carved two of them :D Here is a photo of them:

They look better when you seem them properly :/ I'll probably take more pictures of them anyway. :F

We have had a LOT of animals in our house since I last posted. Here are a few pictures of them:

You can read all about them on the PetTimez.
They're so cute :D

Today I made a really bad pumpkin pie. I think I did a mistake copying it from the computer. It had way too much liquid in it D:
But tomorrow I'm going to make an apple pie and hopefully it will be good :D (I'll take some pictures too.)

I'm going to work harder on the neovision contest tomorrow. I only have until the 28th of October and I want to submit a couple days early. I think I'll be able to do it as long as I try :)

Me and my mom had a fight with PeTA through emails. It's really stupid and funny and I think I'll post it tomorrow :P
I now hate PeTA and will be making "I hate PeTA" badges. I'll swap the humane mouse trap info with it :D

I will update this blog layout over the next week. I like changing layouts :P

Well that's all for today. I'll be posting soon about the next set of pumpkins in a few days :D


Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm doing a thing on neopets called neovision. I have to make a Halloween themed video and I'll show you it when I'm done. If I win you'll see extremely long post of Celebration. I'm making my video completely different to all the others (I'm hoping). I know thousands of people will do trick or treating for example so I'm keeping well away from that.

Anyway, I looked more closely at the bee hive tunnel thing in our garden and was that the bees are taking things from the hole in the ground. They fly out with little stone like objects that I can't really see and then fly away (all in different directions for some reason). I really can't figure out what it could be. It sorta looks like sugar but I don't think it is. Its near two plums and a cherry tree. And theres a lot of mole holes around.

I also made a REALLY good apple pie the other day (if I may say so myself :P). I think next time 'll take the skin of the apples off though :P And I'll take a picture :D

Moving on, I must get back to Neopets, a have guild members waiting and a Neovision contest ideas to work on So I have a lot to do.

I'll be posting a longer message on the weekend probably.

Oh yeah and Thomson has been spotted fighting the Neighbours cat that we have been trying to cure for months because she has a hurt eye. Our cat always loses to theirs says our other Neighbour who feeds everyones cat. I love the cat Thomson is fighting. She looks like a pirate :P

Heres a picture of a glow in the dark rabbit!

It suppose to be art :/ They put some jellyfish DNA in her from what I understood. And she doesn't glow all of the time, only in some light. But still I don't think its a good idea to mix animal DNA for art work.

Thats all I have time for. For now anyway. Keep checking back :D


Bee and hamster pics, interesting science information etc.

Today I took a picture of the bee-hive in the ground. Just so you all know, I zoomed in. I'm not stupid enough to go really close to them. What if the flash was on? At one point, actually, I convinced myself that I was about to use flash and ended up making a rather embarrassing video that was quickly erased. :P
Anyway here are my photos:

The bees aren't that big really but there are loads of them (obviously). My dog Iris was trying to warn us and kept barking at us when we came near :P Se so cute.

Me and my little sister took my hamsters out into the parking place around the church today. The parking place has about a 5 by 10 meter space of grass with a tree in the center. We couldn't play with the hamsters in our garden because our dog Iris was a little too interested in the hamsters. Anyway, we took a bunch of photos and I think they're pretty cute:

As they would, my hamsters stuffed their cheeks with food when they realized we were leaving which was very cute. Dookie took a nap when she found a comfortable place, and Dakota almost went down another rodent's burrow. I was lucky to pull her out before it was too late :D

I (meaning my mom) found a really cool article on plants communicating with each other! Its really amazing! I love science :P You should have a look around that site. I found many cool things :D

I also found a youtube video on Fainting Goats. Its a really funny video and it explains this species of goat more simply than other sites I've tried :)

Well that's all I have time for at the moment. Be sure to check out the new layout I made on The Pet Timez. I've chosen an Autumn look to suit the season :)
I'll be updating this blog layout soon :D

That's all.


Hamsters, Paris, interesting stuff etc.

I went to Paris a couple of days ago with my mom and step-dad. We were going to a furniture fashion show. It was animal furniture so I wasn't at ALL interested. But I did enjoy going out into Paris and seeing the beautiful buildings and stuff. And the dinner I had was good, I had salmon. We cook it all the time so it was nothing special. I liked it anyway though :D

I made a new guild (club) on NeoPets and its going quite well. A lot of people have joined and they seem to like it. I would send you a link to my brilliant guild homepage but You'd all have to make neopets accounts and it would be kinda ridiculous :P

I did some more posting on The Pet Timez.
so do read it. Its about the mice and hamsters and stuff :)

My little sister went for a walk with my step-father and two dogs in the woods and they found this deformed conker shell with 26 little conkers in it. I took a picture to show you all:

The leaves here are all brown, yellow and orange and it's already turning into Autumn here. I can't wait until pumpkin carving starts :D I'm rather good at it :D I'll put some pictures up when I do start carving (in a couple of weeks). It's very nice in the morning here because the air smells of Halloween and it's brilliant at about sunset time because it looks like Halloween in Massachusetts for a moment :D
As you can probably tell I love Autunm :D

I changed around the front room a couple of days ago and was cutting some bamboo from the back of the garden to put in a vase and suddenly I was swarmed with loads of bees coming from a bee-hive in the ground! It was so scary. My dog had been stung and had long since run to the house. I didn't get stung but bees in the ground are one of my few fears. Well at the time it is anyway. I'll upload a picture tomorrow of the bees. Swarming.

Well that's all for now really. I'll write another long post in a couple of days so Keep checking back :D